Things you need to know/consider and understand before adopting or fostering a Rescue Dog

Our Dogs are rescued from Romania and the UK

Whilst it is exciting to  get a dog, and you want to wash,  walk, play , sleep  with your dog, none of this happens over night. 

You need to be patient with your dog, 

You need to give them time  to trust you, they  have been let down by humans and have no idea of your intentions . 

They have been in a shelter , some  may have been sharing a kennel with another dog.

Some may not have had much human interaction 

All of the dogs need someone to nurture them, which includes walking, and picking up after them, therefore you must have the physical fitness to be able to attend the dogs needs, if you do not have the physical capacity please do not apply. 

Because our dogs have been through so much already we ask to seriously consider if this is something you are committed to do, with patience love and understanding. If not please do not apply, we have had many people adopt the dogs to only return them within days, which then unsettles them and makes them withdrawn, because they have been abandoned and they do not understand why, 

They could have been abandoned, by a road, in a field, at a kill shelter, born in a rescue centre.

They could be from a broken home (domestic violence)

They could be from a home due to a change in circumstances 

They could have been in a shelter from Months to years 

They could have come from Shelter, been in a home and back into a shelter 

They may never have lived in a house before , never seen a TV, let alone heard one. 

Some have never seen their reflection

Question  & Answers

We get asked all sorts of questions before and after adopting a dog, so here are a few Q&A for you

Q Can i come and see all the dogs in person?

A: If you complete an application form, with which dogs your interested in we can arrange an appointment for you to meet them

Q; Can i introduce my current dog to them first?

A: Absolutely, once you have completed the application form and home check, bring you furbaby along

Q: Can i just come and view them all?

A: If you would like to see the dogs, check out our dogs for adoption or our social media, let us know which dog your interested in by completing our application form and we will contact you

Q Are they cat tested?

A: if they are it will be on their profile. most are not , however some are.

Q: How much is the adoption fee?

A: £450 

Q: Is the dog house trained?

A: Some maybe if they have been in a house before, most are not,  however they can be trained quickly

Q: Is the dog lead trained?

A: Most are, however some are not

Q: Do the dogs have recall?

A: Some do, however most do not

Q:Can I take the dog for a walk straight away?

A: ,We strongly advise a minimum time is allow 3 days for them to decompress and settle in their new surroundings

Q: Why do i have to wait 3 days till i can walk the dog?

A: It is a lot of change for the dog, they need time to decompress and get used to their new surroundings,  you need to give them time to build a bond and trust with you, to ensure it is relaxing/joyful for your dog, reduce any potential reactivity,  or want to escape.

Q Can i wash my dog when i get them home?

A: We would strongly advise to leave it a few days, it is overwhelming enough for your dog, to be in a strange environment, different smells and sounds. Give them some time to adjust. Use pet friendly wipes if needed  while giving them time to settle. 

Q: What breed is the dog?

A:  Rescue Breed , and the DNA kit will tell you it has Chiwawa in it 

Q: Why do  I need a 6 ft fence ?

A: Believe it or not we have seen our dogs jump 8ft fences, and that's not just the bigger ones!

Q: Why do I need  to let my dog out for a wee with a lead on in the garden?

A: As above,  until your dog bonds with you, they may try to leave

Q: What food shall i feed them?

A:  whatever you want (that is dog friendly)

Q: When do i pay the adoption Fee?

A: Once you have signed the adoption agreement, you will be asked to pay then 

Q: What about their micro chip?

A: once the adoption fee is paid we will change over the details for you, you will receive an email of confirmation once completed

